I educate clients about exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness for healing and growth. I guide clients in integrating their experiences and insights into meaningful change and evolution.
My approach is rooted in personal autonomy and harm reduction. I honor an individual's desire to take mind-altering substances and explore their own consciousness, while I also educate about potential risks and contraindications. I support clients in making the choices that are right for them based on their intentions and unique situation.
My philosophy is rooted in the recognition of our innate wholeness and wisdom. We all have an inner healing intelligence that when given the conditions to unfold, moves us toward our ultimate truth and well-being.
My approach is rooted in personal autonomy and harm reduction. I honor an individual's desire to take mind-altering substances and explore their own consciousness, while I also educate about potential risks and contraindications. I support clients in making the choices that are right for them based on their intentions and unique situation.
My philosophy is rooted in the recognition of our innate wholeness and wisdom. We all have an inner healing intelligence that when given the conditions to unfold, moves us toward our ultimate truth and well-being.
Research in psychedelic neuroscience suggests that psychedelics disrupt the Default Mode Network, which is our normal mode of being and our usual beliefs, thought patterns and ways of interpreting the world. Disrupting this network incites communication between many other parts of the brain and allows for new perceptions beyond our limiting patterns. Psychedelics also create neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to form new neural connections, regenerate and rewire itself. This creates a powerful opening for creating new neural pathways and new ways of thinking and being.
Psychedelic medicines have also been found to create change through facilitating emotional breakthroughs, psychological insights and mystical experiences. Many people experience a sense of oneness, oceanic boundlessness and bliss, and a connection to something much larger than themselves. These deeply meaningful experiences have the potential to drastically reduce depression and create profound and lasting change.
Sometimes psychedelic experiences can be challenging, and these challenging experiences can bring us face to face with the things in our lives that are asking for tending and care. Whether an experience is blissful or challenging, it can offer a potent portal for growth. I can support you in weaving the insights gathered in your experience into your day-to-day life in meaningful ways.
Psychedelic medicines have also been found to create change through facilitating emotional breakthroughs, psychological insights and mystical experiences. Many people experience a sense of oneness, oceanic boundlessness and bliss, and a connection to something much larger than themselves. These deeply meaningful experiences have the potential to drastically reduce depression and create profound and lasting change.
Sometimes psychedelic experiences can be challenging, and these challenging experiences can bring us face to face with the things in our lives that are asking for tending and care. Whether an experience is blissful or challenging, it can offer a potent portal for growth. I can support you in weaving the insights gathered in your experience into your day-to-day life in meaningful ways.